Flash mp3 Player Gratis Radio Online

Flash mp3 Player Gratis Radio Online

Player Radio aacPlus - Psd Templates

Salut astazi am sa va prezint un player np3 pentru radio online.
Acest player este complet editabil, include toate arhivele de care aveti nevoie pentru mp3
Full Psd Editabil
Full script radio
Daca sunteti in cautarea unui player aacplus/mp3 personalizat contactati-ma coxdesignro@yahoo.com
Descarcati acest player aacplus gratis!

Password Rar: coxtemplates.com


Flash mp3 Top - Player Radio Shoutcast

Flash mp3 Top - Player Radio Shoutcast

Player Radio Flash mP3 - Psd Templates
Salut astazi am sa va prezint un player Mp3 pentru radio online.
Acest player este complet editabil, include toate arhivele de care aveti nevoie pentru un player mp3 flash
Full Psd Editabil
Full script radio
Daca sunteti in cautarea unui player aacplus atunci contactati-ma pe adresa coxdesignro@yahoo.com
Descarcati acest player aacplus gratis!
Password Rar: coxtemplates.com


Player Radio Html

Player Radio Html

Astazi va prezint un player simplu in format html pentru radioul vostru online. Acest player este absolut gratuit, compatibil cu orice browser, si functionabil 100%.

Tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa copiati codul de mai jos si sal lipiti pe unde aveti nevoie, apoi cautati "http://radiocox.sytes.net:8076/" si inlocuitil cu "http://ip-ul-vostru-de-radio:portul-de-ascultare"

Sper ca va fost util! (Pentru cerinte de scrituri, tutoriale...ETC, lasati comentii)

<embed width="240" height="80" src="http://player.wavestreamer.com/cgi-bin/player2.swf" mce_src="http://player.wavestreamer.com/cgi-bin/player2.swf" flashvars="skin=http://player.wavestreamer.com/cgi-bin/nacht/nacht.swf&title=Live  Stream&type=sound&file=http://radiocox.sytes.net:8076/;s.mp3&13142580629&duration=99999&id=scplayer&autostart=true"></embed>


Player Radio Online Html

Player Radio Online Html

Astazi va prezint un player simplu in format html pentru radioul vostru online. Acest player este absolut gratuit, compatibil cu orice browser, si functionabil 100%.

Tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa copiati codul de mai jos si sal lipiti pe unde aveti nevoie, apoi cautati "http://radiocox.sytes.net:8076/" si inlocuitil cu "http://ip-ul-vostru-de-radio:portul-de-ascultare"

Sper ca va fost util! (Pentru cerinte de scrituri, tutoriale...ETC, lasati comentii)

<p><embed width="240" height="80" src="http://player.wavestreamer.com/cgi-bin/player2.swf" mce_src="http://player.wavestreamer.com/cgi-bin/player2.swf" flashvars="skin=http://player.wavestreamer.com/cgi-bin/snel/snel.swf&title=Live  Stream&type=sound&file=http://radiocox.sytes.net:8076/;s.mp3&13142580629&duration=99999&id=scplayer&autostart=true"></embed>


Script text cursor miscator rotund

Script text cursor miscator rotund

Acest script va da posibilitatea sa alegeti un text care sa se invarta in jurul cursorului si dupa acesta
Tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa copiati codul de mai jos si sal lipiti in header intre "" si ""

<style type="text/css">
/* Circle Text Styles */
#outerCircleText {
font-style: italic;
font-weight: bold;
font-family: 'comic sans ms', verdana, arial;
color: #000;
/* End Optional */</p>
<p>/* Start Required - Do Not Edit */
position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;z-index: 3000;cursor: default;}
#outerCircleText div {position: relative;}
#outerCircleText  div div {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;text-align: center;}
/* End Required */
/* End Circle Text Styles */
<p><script type="text/javascript"></p>
<p>/* Circling text trail- Tim Tilton
   Website: http://www.tempermedia.com/
   Visit: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for Original Source and tons of scripts
   Modified Here for more flexibility and modern browser support
   Modifications as first seen in http://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums/
   username:jscheuer1 - This notice  must remain for legal use
... Detalii... »


Divi 2.1.4 Responsive Wordpress Templates

Divi 2.1.4 Responsive Wordpress Templates

Divi is a flexible drag & drop WordPress theme designed by Elegant Themes. With Divi you can design custom layouts and use custom colors to create an awesome website for any business.

Divi is Elegant Themes most flexible theme. Use the built-in page builder to create custom layouts, or choose from any of the 10 pre-made layouts that make getting started easy. All of the layouts and page elements are fully responsive so your pages will always look great, no matter what device your visitors use.

The theme also includes all of the Elegant Themes features you know and love. Divi includes the useful ePanel that give you options for layouts, advertisements, colors, SEO options and more. Plus the theme includes unlimited colors so you can design the look you want for your website down to the very last pixel.

Have look at the list below, or visit any of the demo sites to see what’s possible with Divi. And remember that when you purchase an Elegant Themes membership you’re also getting access to all of their other themes, resources and awesome support.

Rar Password: www.coxtemplates.com

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